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Yvonne Lewis

Published on April 16, 2023 by wb2admin

Puerto Chico 4 – We are returning visitors to Puerto Chico and have stayed in quite a few of the bungalows. We stayed in PC 3 for this visit and were very happy with our choice. It was furnished and decorated to a high standard and has a nice feel to it. As most of the bungalows it has a lovely big terrace and beautiful views across to Fuerteventura. We were very impressed with how well maintained the whole complex is, it’s looking very neat and tidy and seems to improve year on year. We keep coming back for many reasons, it’s location, very near to the town, and the spaciousness of both the bungalows and the terraces and with the discreet help of the team if you need it, all of this makes for a relaxed and enjoyable holiday.

Category: reviews3